

On a cool Friday night;
A historical tale of fright;
My name is Hakim Bright;
This was all I saw;
A deadly trail;
To chop up my head without fail;
From a chink, I saw their disgruntleness and bloody countenance as they swiftly sail;
In multitudes, so abducting me would not be an easy grail;
My exhausted skin so pale;
Had a voice so frail;
A restless body going through great travail;
The cloudy sky turned into crimson red;
If I'm caught then woe it is to my future ahead;
My lofty hopes and ambition lie half dead;
My life is entangled with a weak nylon thread;
A situation that is so dread;
I saw death face to face as it went closer to my head;
Rounded up by multitudes, as they were all over me like a divergent beam;
Fear and despair flowing in my bloodstream;
Me versus a thousand with a fortified team;
An enduring myth that I'll survive in such an ungodly scene;
No corner was safe anymore, my eyes were deem;
They attack with fury, I retreated and fell in the premises of the higher rank that reign supreme;
They found me, only me, so I expected no redeem;
No suprise when they called my name HAKIM;
At that point nothing was imposssible;
An ugly death was inevitable;
Eyes blindfolded and body lashed with a strong metallic cable;
A preliminary death torture to make me disable;
A ruthless excruciation left me visibly impaired, feet paralyzed, body exhausted and feeble;
My strength to withstand flew with zero zeal to scrabble for survival;
Their main motive which was to chop up my head was at their disposal;
As he violently slid his dagger towards my head, with all of my vocal frequency, I scream;
An ecstasy of relief to know this was ALL A DREAM!!!

#All a dream🙁😲😤