

time is right
At the end of the tunnel,
There's always a light,
Sometimes soft, at times bright...
and as I think I'm approaching closer,
the light is dimmer,then thee aroma grabs my attention.
I know I'm alone, I know I've grown. why does this smell take me , and put me where I dont want to be? am I tripping? could it be my PTSD? flashbacks in an instance. the reason of this tunnel being paved. no place .i've tried to hard to get a way. the signs said "this way precious." did I read it wrong was Precious used as a verb, or my name?
the smell leaves, yet it still lingered. Head down, energy changes. the light is brighter. but it gone. wait ,its back! no it left, again . I start to panic . but my energy so calm. but im freaking out! "Its okay, you got it, keep going, don't stop , you're doing great! " I can hear, but no one is here. the voices are varied, yet so peaceful. I start to believe them. and the more I do the brighter and more steady the light begins to shine ! I know I'm near I can really reallreally feel it!I'm not Tripping! I see the bulb. ican touch it once I'm out! the voices stop the smell is back. I'm still calm, the voices are gone. I know to keep going. then it read. "when did you turn around?" im confused where's the bulb? where's the end of my tunnel? now there is two dimmed lights, one left one right. damn im happy just for that little insight. I know where I'm going, its alright!!
© More, Daa