

The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
Make your way through the path into the light of morrow
For in today the zeal to face the fears of tomorrow lies,
For it's trite that One makes hay whilst the sun shines,
And that he who would fail to plan surely has plans to fail
So friend lay aside every distraction that you do not derail
For the door of tomorrow opens in the shadows of today...

"As you lay your bed, so you lie on it" that's what I heard
For it's been said "that can two walk together lest they be in agreement" Nay!
Therefore, if one would look beyond the pain and struggles of today
Surely a bounty of joy would one reap in the harvest of morrow
Why then would we hasten to naught where there lay dreams we could attain
So, I'd tell you my friend, that you lay aside every distraction that you do not derail
For the doors to tomorrow open in the shadows of today...

Be wise... learn from the ants said King Solomon,
Till this day in this admonition I've struggled to follow on
That I may have in abundance all I need therefore now, I'll be not lazy
I'll strive, I'll survive my best I'll try to do in my endeavours daily

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