

Little hope in darkness
Sunny,Clear sky with
The clear laugh of my friends!!
Roaming and jumping around
With no,worries or sadness

Hour and hour of talks and play!
The day goes off!
The sun is dying
Brightness from eye Is fading..

Suddenly,The dark clouds cover Sun!!
Hidding the little light of the sun!!
Giving the darkness in my eye
Dark clouds shedding their Tears!!

Along the tears of clous,my tears too!!
It was just 5minute,I had came from playing
Saw,My Brother being carried by another,
Unable to open eyes and walk..

It was as if Clouds were shedding for my brother!
and Feeling pity for him!!
As,if clouds showing their love for us!!
Night passes with the tears of my and clouds

Morning,came with the clear sky
Clouds passing by,but
This time my brother in the cloud!!
Saying Good bye forever to me!!

As the Cloud passed away far!!
Sun gave its Light over my Eye!!
As, if blessing and comforting me!!
As,if saying "your brother is in good place,Keep hope don't cry"!!
The sun,gave a little hope in darkness!!
Comforting me with its Light and warmth!!!

© Vidhyasha