

Life as a Shadow
life as a Shadow; I know nothing of the light.
giving darkness to those in need of an escape, a place to hide oneself from sight.
As a Shadow, I'll be your blanket put over you in the hot days sun.
a darkened outline of everything around you
I can be anywhere and anyone.
do not confuse me with the days end , as the sun goes down until the next dawn.
us shadows are the darkness within the darkest night.
long after the light has gone.
run scared, because I'm the evil that lurks from behind.
I'll give your lonely walks deep meaning when everything else is after you, and people are all unkind.
as a Shadow I'll be a protector to those unaware of an unseen presence on approach. From wars to life in the streets, I as a Shadow am all around, I am hastely among you serving as a your personal stagecoach.
I am everywhere, all the time my image can change.
I am of no skin color, race or orientation, only known to be strange.
shadows,,we lurk at night, day, snow, rain or shine.
just because you can see me does not mean that you are fine.
I get the chance I will kill you, sneak up behind you and play tricks
right along side of you falling to your death
there is nothing you can do.
© Derrick Peterson