

A Spark in the Dark
I saw you again,
this time in a better mood,
though you're far away.
I still seek your face,
longing for an endless gaze,
a loving gesture
I won’t regret.
If only I had the chance,
I’d feel content—
learn to love you
with respect earned by both of us.

Do you feel the same?
I feel it—
the pull of electricity,
the need to see your face,
to share endless gazes,
not just glimpses,
but a real connection,
something never felt before.

Why are you so far,
where I can't see your face,
where you won’t let me in,
where my love seems forbidden
to you,
to those you love?
It’s impossible,
but why?
Why can't I follow my heart?
Why must I give up
because someone didn’t appreciate me?

I saw you again,
with a disapproving look,
your face scrunched up.
Maybe you didn’t see me,
but I saw you—
brief, sudden bliss,
a fading love,
someone out of reach,
a craving in the coldest nights.

You’re so special,
that even a glance,
or your far-off presence,
makes me giddy inside,
a good, pleasurable pain—
like in those romance movies,
where they can’t get enough of each other.
I want to matter,
to be seen by you,
just once.

But the universe decided,
and the answer was no.
You didn’t look my way once.
Maybe my love is forbidden,
maybe it’s impossible,
and maybe I should give up.

But I won’t give up.
Even if you don’t feel the same,
there’s something about this crush,
a spark that I’m not ready to let go.
I’ll keep holding on to this feeling,
because somehow, it makes the world
a little more interesting,
a little more alive.

© coleyyy