

Inner Warrior Princess:
A warrior unlike any…
She has built an army one by one
For every act she survived and endured…
A new soldier was born
They have one war to win…Her freedom
Back from the ashes of the oppressed
The dark sky opens to reveal

Her resurrection…
was that of a Phoenix
from the ashes and ruble
she was born, as beautiful inside as she was out. her empire was built from the stones and bricks used to try and knock her from her thrown. they underestimated that she had King ,whom just as she was a warrior and protect and defend his Queen indeed he did. Tall dark and handsome he stood 6'8 to her 5'3 a uniquely different couple you see.however they were ideally mastered for each other.a love I tell you where you are captived by the way they each compliment one another. alove as seen only by the elders . She was made especially for he from the rib for with she came. They're in sync with all they do. this i promise you is the love call of a warrior princess whom has been throwed Queen.

© Synfuly Matthews