

Racial Ambiguity
I have had people come up to me,
whisper unholy things in my ear,
ask me devilish questions in the air,
and expect me to answer.

You believe the question was in innocence,
and that there would be no indifference,
and that I would not be irritated,
but yet here I am.

Or, the gall of some of them,
that they dont even ask me,
they just name random races
and believe that they know.

But it is to me
that I'm very obviously black,
not stereotypical though.
And it sucks to see we have stereotypes grow

And it's obvious to see,
that if I'm not a stereotype,
I must be a mixed individual,
and be subjected to your sneers..

This racial ambiguity does give me privilege,
and I am not one to lie,
however the amount of times I'm asked this,
makes me want to cry.

I am not your little project,
and puzzle you need to solve.
why does me being racially ambiguous
bother you at all?

We can have a conversation,
and we can have such a beautiful melody,
but your dangerous and ignorant acts,
sour this medley.

so imma need you to stop asking,
what my or anyone else's race is,
because the disrespect is loud
and your respect is so low.

Yes, I look like so many races.
but let's all stop being stupid.
Black people can have these features,
and so can you.

Sorry I dont look racially how you expected,
and sorry I don't fit the stereotype.
But I promise you, I promise you,
I'm super awesome, alright?

so calm yourself down,
and stop asking me.
though I dont think they'll ever stop
asking me about my racial ambiguity.
© Liyah Lee