

Together We'll Set Her Free
I see stress, anxiety and fear staring back at me as she describes how I've made her feel.

We both know it was unintentional and we also know to most other women this issue wouldn't be a mountain, it would barely be an mole hill.

But I'm not in love with most women, I'm in love with these unsettled eyes gazing in my direction wanting me to erase all the pain and worry from her mind

Oh, how I wish I could do that for her but these triggers run deep and removing them will take more than time

Weakness is all she's known from a man Which is proved by his bullying and the words he said.

I plan to stand beside her and provide whatever strength she needs to help clear him from her beautiful mind

I'm not perfect as a matter of fact I'm downright broken myself but I swear to God as my witness this woman is the only thing that matters in my life.

I'll do whatever it takes, I'll fight demons from the past or monsters in the future. As long as in the end I get to call her my wife.
© strictsum