

Dealer Of Fates
Lost in a day dream;
The start of the game fades in.
Disarrayed and battled emotion....
I see my cards laid below my blurry vision.
My thoughts are dubious as they jerk and rip around the lobe.
Call for cautious measures or
bluff that my hand is absolute.
I focus, and place my chips from my keep. My mind is the casino; eternally playing poker with my heart and mortal soul.
As the pot of riches swells with the spender. Only to be taken little by little from each unfortunate hand by other contenders.
For every lost chip; the thought of regret and remorse.
Selfish for every loss ; selfish for every win.

The melancholy and excitement for every game.

The heart tries to cheat the house
No man cheats the house.
As the house always wins.
Our limited our turn at the table.
As game may last ages.
Another may be rigged from the start.