

Pressure building up inside
like a volcano ready to erupt.

Is this peer pressure?
Is this what it feels like not to fit in?

Is doing something not because you want to but have to peer pressure?

The feeling of not fitting in overwhelms the fear and forces you to do it.

The fear of being unliked kicks in and tells you it's okey just do it.

Doing something not for yourself but someone else.
Satisfying their idea of what you have to be or become.

Is this peer pressure?
Even if the ones pressuring you is your family?

Forcing you to work harder.
Pushing you past your limits.
Making it unbearable.

Telling you what you can and can't do like their the dictator of your life.

Pushing you into a corner.
Surrounding you.
Forcing you.

Pressure building up inside.
Breaking down your walls.
How much more can you take
before you erupt?

© Zoe'z