

Mountains are calling ,
and I am still here .

My soul is yelling ,
but I am still here .

Yearning to travel once again.
Missing those winds .
Raining roads .
That smell of mud .
That always took me away with its beauty .

My soul is yelling ,
but I am still here .

Covid had made life monotonous .
in its way.
And is unnerving me bit by bit .

Mountains are calling me ,
but I 'm still here .

Nature is punishing in its own way .
Pandemic is a lesson ,
To humans ...
But for how long the humans would remember from this devastating state ?
It is still a question ?
Whether this time we would learn from the slap of nature ?

Mountain are calling , but I 'm still here ,
My soul want to meet the divine once again.

Inevitable thoughts about trekking , camping , Firing & Exploring local markets , had made me manic .

But still I didn't move .
It's all a game of pandemic ,
And I 'm just a pawn.

© Mridul