

A Letter
To the friends I lost along the way,
How are you? I sure hope you're okay.
I do not know how it all just ended.
To me, the picture was not presented.

Still, at this time, I find myself musing
Of the good old days we spent just laughing.
Of the memories we created.
Of some scars I wish we then mended.

Life's a very long trying journey.
I guess, on mine, I just got weary.
Weary of juggling both friendship and quest.
Weary that both's requests, I can't address.

Mere excuses, I know that's how they sound.
I understand to these thoughts, you are bound.
I'm no good at expressing feelings.
The truest I can't stop concealing.

And I know you know this to be true
I just hope you'd understand why too.
I have written this though to make you know
That our friendship I really treasured so.

So my old friends, thank you.
I'm sorry.
I miss you.
I truly do.