

The Deal With The Devil
Some people aren't given a good hand at the start, there home life is crap, they grew up with traumas and seeing messed up shit 24/7.

You get used to your environment the smells , the people, the substances, the tastes, you adapt and do things you normally wouldnt.people drown there sorrows with multiple things, deals with the devil are the most common he tends to know how to try and fill holes that tend to make bigger holes just to try somthing else to fill the bigger holes.

13 rebellious hanging with a group of friends and some strangers , take a puff they say , do a line, take a sip.
You sit there thinking well... I saw mom do it last week ... why not,one wont hurt.
Noone tells you when you shake that devils hand your his for life.. he makes you sign the full contract ensuring you will always want that one little puff or sip,or line... so you shake his hand , and take that substance thinking your not like the rest you wont be an addict , you'll be fine..

Little do you know it will hurt. And it will take over your entire body.....it will hurt and ruin everything/everyone in your life... the devil is powerful and will prove it to you if you try and go behind his back trying to clean yourself up.

He will make sure every day you wake up you are sicker then all hell , he will make sure you will beg for just a taste, he will make every second day agony for you and your lived ones, he makes you crave, and will even make you turn against yourself ofcourse after hes made sure you lost every person you ever loved , he will ruin your health and make you feel as if you need hospitalization but you'll never get it.... not till your dead,
Even if you manage to fight the devil off , he will always be there creeping up on you trying to remind you how weak you are and how fragile , he will bring up any opportunity for addiction to rub in your face.. you will beg for the life you said was "so bad" back , you notice yourself doing things like taking that extra 100$ out of your bank even tho you need it for Bill's next week, you start choosing the substance over food, sleep,loved ones.

So if you ever get a chance for a deal with the devil, I hope you turn away and run as fast as you can, cause surely he will catch up and harass you , over and over.

Some people like I am are lucky and faught for there life, and beat the devil himself, the thing is just cause I beat him once doesnt mean he doesnt come around now and then, bribing, tugging,pulling, beating.me down
And he always will. I shook his hand , I broke a deal, and I will forever have to pay for it, but I will rise and be stronger then this evil that lives within me , I will smile and be healthy and simply love with all my heart has to offer the world.

And mabye I will one day help someone else who made a deal they shouldn't have,
mabye I will be your inspiration.