

She grew up in a room of dolls.
Slender and tall, she loved them all.
Fair and blonde, she admired them all .
The view of beauty then surfaced.

Teenage years met her pics online.
Signs of dawning credulity .
Paved a path of doubts in mind
A creation perfect she felt no more.

"What can I do to fit the world?"
A desire to be loved by all.
Melanin became a taint on skin.
A slim figure the perfect shape.

"What can I do to prove myself?"
That I was once a beauty queen.
Her face became a work of art.
Of different shapes and colours.

She threw away a modest covering.
And pulled her skirt above her knees.
Sleeveless and breast pushed up on.
Navel reveal, a hip in motion.

She was clothed, yet she was naked.
The tight clothing revealed her figure.
She was so proud of herself.
Smiling at her reflection... she was so pleased.

Into the town, she took a long road.
Looks and winks all went her way
A smile played on her red lips
A success for turning heads.

She was seen for beauty only.
An object held before their eyes.
Her intelligence was not thought of.
Her accomplishments...unheard of.

The mother who passed her by
Woe to their daughters not to dare
Dress up like a doll for auction
A prostitute for the night.

Responsible men that wanted wives.
A life partners to plan the future
Woe that day not to pick-
A girl that sold her self that way.

"I'm free to dress the way I want"
A silly thought had crossed her mind
She had stripped her honour off
And lost her value in their eyes

The precious gems in life stay hidden.
Until the worthy finds them all
To hell with world expectations..
Your Creator commands them all.

© Paradise springs