

First page of my Life
My life is gonna hell!
Someone can help me to raise my voice,
I am very weak to make a noice,
A noice means, a noice means,
To say my inner words,
To express what I want to say,
Something like that I never able to express,
Universal truths are very complex,
I love nature to see but,
Can't tolerate it when I undrestand what it is,
There is nothing to be happy and joy,
To keep smile on face is the difficult task.
For some rat races I am going depressed,
Nothing is there in my life, nothing to be sad like,
Like Sun and Moon, this will come back soon,
What I mean to say is complex way,
But nothing is complex in my Play,
Some sadness is running and happiness is singing,
Joy is cool but sorrow makes fool,
Depression is nothing but worriness is working,
Please someone come here to save me,
Give pleasure enjoyingly
My life is gonna hell!
My life is gonna hell!