

Wish, I could rewind time
I would take it back a year plus three
Everything would be almost perfect
That would be fine
Almost got to one of my goals...
Let my heart take over for a minute
Rest has been a nightmare
Side show

It's not okay, I will survive
God has taught me to keep
My Popi taught to always strive
Could of, would of, but what ifs
Enter my thoughts
Then I remembered, God has taught
Keep the Faith, no forget-me-nots
Ride the waves till time
Plays my way
Glad, I am strong and self reliant
My Popi taught me to be
A strong woman
Do not let trouble get in my way

If I could rewind time
I can't...
So, I will ride the waves, walk barefoot
In the sand
Till time opens a door
Goals are within the touch
Of my hands
Cynthia Sakacs 6-9-2021
© Cynthia Inouye