

You can see me anytime, anywhere listening others carefully,
But you will find me explaining my own nonsense ideology! Why is it?
"Because I am Normal but Abnormal"

My nature makes me loyal but senseless,
My creativity refers my imagination which makes logic for a limited period,
But has something which needs to appear according to my assumption's! But how?
"Because I am Normal but Abnormal"

The world with Normal mind meets with expectations or below expectations,
But an Abnormal creature meets others beyond assumption with vernacularity,

I know my words have no meaning for today,
but will surely have for tomorrow! Yes it will,
"Because I am Normal but Abnormal"

Fact:- "The world you see today is made by Abnormal mind's with abnormalities,
The world you will see tomorrow will be made again by Abnormal mind's with abnormalities"
© failed to inspire