

Your servant

Le me wash your wounds
And carry your dry bones
To the spring of incarnation!
Let's stand together above our pit!
Let's pick up the clouds to build a higher stairs
Above our broken wings!

May I see all the darkness from my night?
May I come down until the stone foundation
So I may not keep on falling under own gravitation
With the plumb line around my neck?

I shall read your word
Each letter in its own box
Natural medicine in honeybee walls.
I shall pay to all the crossroads
Until is all home.

Must wind it up
Your breath which sang the morning,
Your heart rolling up stones,
And the dead start walking toward your door
Because you call them
Beyond the fault lines.
Must go on brick upon brick,
The prayer of a temple
With embrace as cement
And nails as kiss
Joining the plans
Flying higher and higher
With the rockets of your wish
Piercing the stars
In permanent ceiling.