

16th AUGUST, 1945...
The day that changed thousands of lives.
In the final years of WORLD WAR (2)
Manhattan Project was called up for;
The Big Bang Theory was going to repeat,
Japan was going to lie on United Nation's feet.
Einstein could have never thought before
Mass-Energy Equivalence Equation was to be used to destroy Japan's shore.
That was the day when atomic bomb was found,
Which made Japan' worst nightmare come around
Hiroshima was that nuclear site,
Which was going to end the HORRIFIC FIGHT.
Mass Killing of people started after this invention,
This gave many countries nuclear attack intentions.
After allied victory of United States,the Peace Agreement was signed,
But no one cares thousands of lives WERE LEFT BEHIND.
~Taha Hanfi
Note- Based on a true event (Attack in Hiroshima on 16th August 1945)