

I Want Change
I'm feeling empty today, I'm looking around but see no change.
I'm waking up to the same 4 walls, and looking at my phone hoping for that call.

I want to receive the message that change will sweep through, I want to know that soon my time and place will all be anew.

I want to go back to how it used to be, when I could wake up and not worry about what is to come, or what might be.

I want to be ignorant of it all, I want to go back to when I was 10 and completely enthralled..

But today all I see is more of the same.. just greed, power, ego, you know the game. I want to pretend that my dreams will come true, that when I finally get there it won't be a fucking zoo. But the reality is this, dreams come true, but are never the portrait you painted, but merely a fragment of the image you hoped would be created.

That is to say, never give up. When you get knocked down, pick yourself back up. The world is scary, and many times really shitty, but if you make the best of it, well then it kind of looks quite pretty.