

You know the demon
I was telling you about
the one under my bed
the one that took away my peace and sleep
the one that made me look crazy
the one that made me friendless

yes that one
the one that whispered fear into my ear
the one that made me crawl and bang my head on the wall
the one that got be doing suicidal poetry at night

yes that one
it him or her
she is no longer here
it's gone
again you might think am insane but I killed it
with these hands that love the pen
with these hands that fear crime
I strangled it to death
I heard it begging for mercy

yes that demon
I set it free to set me free maybe it should look for refuge in someone else's bed
for mine is no longer vacant
I filled it with things that are better off unsaid
so here I am scared but not fearful
that demon may he rest in peace