

I am and will forever Be ME
I would love to have a real relationship with my family. To be able to be honest with them about how I feel and what I am going through. To be able to have them tell me about how they feel and what they are going through because we have mutual trust, in knowing that we will listen to each other with no judgement, that we WILL listen and understand from a place of love. That as a family we will just simply be there for each other and nothing more. I understand that I have always isolated myself from my family and my true self and therefore I cannot expect my family to understand me or what I am going through...nor can I fully understand who they truly are or what they are going through. Our upbringing was unique but not very different from others that grew up in our time... everyone has their own crosses to bare in silence which is very much part of the old school generation... before all the pronouns and 'woke' thinking started. I might be wrong or I might just maybe be right in saying that the new gen just started a new 'wave' of communication/ways of expressing their feelings to cope with their own unique type of trauma, trying to fit into a world where they belong, a world that doesn't listen to them nor understands them as the individuals that they are. We are all yearning for a community, a family a collective group of like-minded individuals that accepts us for who we TRULY are. Be it strong, Be it weak... Be it in need of love.. Be it a need to be acknowledged... The reasons do NOT matter. We are all looking for the SAME thing... which is a SAFE place! and yet I will still be me...
with or without my blood
© Joleen