

Life Of A Barista
I come home every single day smelling like coffee,
No matter what I do I can't get the scent off me.
Doing so many things at once I'm always on the move,
Avoiding stains but somehow got Matcha on my shoes.
Washong my uniform often to remove the milk and grinds,
Rolling up my sleeves for action when there's a line.
With a big grin and enthusiasm I tell my team we got this,
Cleaning as we go cause we like to keep our area spotless.
Been around coffee so long, I've become immune to caffeine,
We love giving people the fuel to pursue their dreams.
When I say have a great day, my smile is genuine,
Making our guest happy fills me with Adrenaline.
Every beverage we make is a true work of art,
We always add a secret ingredient and that's our hearts...
© Gary Cliff