

angry hate is gentle love
Free , free heart , free mind, just free me I just want to go back when i didn’t know intense feeling existed
where I wasn’t the second pick
Wasted time ,hour went by I’m still stuck on that months while your 6 weeks forward in time
All the happy memories pop up when I think of you
but it should be feel with hate, rage and regret.
I hate when people say they hate there ex but you are constantly thinking of reasons why you hate them because all that hate was once love you gave to them
so now you say I hate you but you really meant I love you but your words really tripped because someone was gonna end up hurt in the relationship anyway
You said to me “end bad” but bring up all the bad memories and hunting for the red flags so you won’t remember why you chose him in the first place
when you find all the mistakes but their always a good thing you found and why you chose him
hate is really love deep inside that anger changed the gentle heart warming love to rage because love has different meanings even the word hate
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@ Amber
-edit the poem for mistakes and send it back to me