

Release the pain
The beautiful pitter patter,
Of raindrops as they scatter...
Across the earth's lawn,
At times a fragile fawn.
And at other times a violent storm,
Of hearts left alone to mourn.

Pitter...patter...a consistent reminder...
To forgive, to forget, to be kinder..
Even when alone we weep,
Be brave and take the leap.
Venture out, allow the gentle touch of the rain,
Upon your flesh, drown out the pain.
Take a deep cleansing breath, a pause from life's mess.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Knowing that shed tears leave no trace,
So lift your head, hold it high with pride and grace.

Even with the with weight of the world on your shoulder,
Remember you are a soldier.
Pitter...patter... listen to your hearts call.
A reminder that you can not fall..
Any further into the deep,
Choose to see the sunshine smothered,
Once left covered.
Now lays revealed.

True hope no longer concealed.
Continue the good fight,
Even when it's not polite nor right.
Like the gentle sound of the rain...pitter...patter... pitter...patter...
Allow your pain to scatter.

© Joleen