

The Wishing Star
Oh! how painful dead would be
but I fear no death
for it free us
and led us to eternal home permanently.

Oh! how agony dead would be
for we won't met
and be with each other
but will ever remain in hearts.

Oh! would dead bring happiness or grief to oneself
no one knows, it's a mystery
for one who knows and experience
takes the secrets away.

people say we become stars after dead
is it a truth?
or a tale told among us
no one knows,
for dead tell no tales.

But I prefer it to be true
for stars knows a lot,
as being,we ponders and wishes upon stars every night
for stars can be with them at worst and at good times
guide them and led people, even at their darkest hours of life

I wish to be among star after dead
so as to shine brightly
and led my dear ones at their darkest hour.

© pienswriting