

this was not the plan

I didn’t plan to get caught up
But somewhere between your raven hair
And eagle stare, you ensnared
My heart

I didn’t plan to learn your smile
But somewhere caught in between giggles
I learned the riddles that color
Your grin

I didn’t plan on bearing my soul
But somewhere between us both growing old, you held out the space
And in our warm embrace
I let you near

I didn’t plan to fear the loss of you
But somewhere we wove the strings of fate
Together in the tapestry of life

I didn’t plan on wanting forever
But somewhere in this romantic start
Facing obstacles only the bravest of Bollywood hearts
Could handle
We dare

I didn’t plan on any of this
But since the first kiss
I only think about all the things we could miss

I didn’t plan on a fairytale ending
I didn’t plan on your heart mending
Mine, as we borrow time

© Mandie H. Lopera