

When Eyes Are Shut
You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see,
But you cannot close your heart to things you don't want to feel.
For deep within, emotions flourish and take flight,
Beyond the realm of sight, they soar, they heal.

In this kaleidoscope world, where colors blend and fade,
We choose to avert our gaze, shutting out what's real.
With eyes unflinching, we witness life's relentless parade,
Yet it is the depths of our hearts that truly reveal.

Behind closed eyes, secrets whispered, untold,
A sanctuary where dreams and fantasies intertwine.
Like a canvas, it unfolds, painting stories bold,
Where moments of truth and yearnings forever combine.

Oh, how tenderly we push away the shadows,
Clutching tightly onto a mask of indifference,
As hearts seek solace in the softness of pillows,
Vulnerable souls, craving love's divine indulgence.

But even when eyes are shut, hearts meet no barrier,
They transcend the fickle limits of flesh and bone.
In the tapestry of emotions, they're the carrier,
Guiding us to connect, to make ourselves known.

It is in this vast realm of the unseen and felt,
Where empathy blossoms, forging bonds lasting and true.
For when faces lie, and words withhold, hearts melt,
Uniting divergent souls, revealing life anew.

In love's undying presence, our hearts pulse and thrive,
Opening like flowers beneath the moon's tender glow.
Through the darkest nights, they will ever strive,
Embracing pain and joy, each ebb and flow.

For hearts have no concealing, no guise they maintain,
They embrace both beauty and sorrow with equal measure.
By refusing to close, their strength finds no drain,
Ever changing, ever growing, a boundless treasure.

Honor the tears that often go unseen,
The whispers of longing that linger deep inside.
For a closed heart is a loss, a forsaken dream,
While an open heart is a vessel where love abides.

You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see,
But you cannot close your heart to things you don't want to feel.
Expanding horizons with every tender plea,
Let us embrace the unseen, and let love's truth reveal.
© Jevanjee