

The Way You Love Me
What are the moments that make my memory smile,
And make me remember life is worthwhile.
It is whenever I am down and sinking into despair,
All I have to do is close my eyes and think about the tender memories we share,
Pure unadulterated love is the essence of my living,
Matters of the heart is so giving,
Knowing your love is unconditional
And the desire you have for me is intentional.

The way you love me, when you love me, makes my heart sings,
And makes me crescendo to heights beyond Saturn's rings.
Two coupled as one is beyond physical,
Our love borderlines the spiritual,
It carries me to a higher place beyond the peak of my existence,
Freeing my mind while feeling no inhibition or resistance,
Transcending stratospheric heights,
When I am transported on these exhilarating and insane adrenaline flights,

You loving Me, Me loving You! You loving Me, Me loving You! You loving Me, Me loving You!
Penetrating my soul and becoming lifeless under your silent coup,
In those seconds when my spirit leaves my form,
There is no pain, no sorrows just blissful joy and knowing that with you by my side I can weather any storm,
With heighten senses while my blood pressure dances,
Selfless deep love and euphoric trances,
Yes!...these are the moments that make my memory smile,
And makes me remember life is worthwhile.
© Audrey Malcolm

#momentsandmemories #writingprompts #weeklypoetrychallenges #poets #poetry #poems