

"The Endless Love"
Love is a beautiful thing,
when u love a great Queen,
Love is a wonderful thing
when u love a great King,
Am to give u everything u
need cause u desire more
than Ten Diamond Rings.

The way u came into ma life
actually makes me believe that
God your really there and set a
trillion Angels to watch over me,
may be our start seemed a bit
horrible but the steps we hav made together makes me forget
all that ahell ,those are just mistries

At this point am nolonger praying for Heaven and Resurrection tings coz I will be
so greedy , Am so lucky that hav
had my Heaven right here on
Earth and that's the package of love you have unconditionally
given to Me.

I even some times pray that
Lord should take away my sight
but a thought of the Gorgeous Babies that I have makes me think twice.

This love is real cause Am in for a real Queen.
This love is sweet cause your a real Honey Bee.
This love is cool cause your a real air Conditioner.
This love is so miraculous cause your a real Witch.
This love is painless cause your a real Pain Killer.
This love is prosperous cause your such strong willed.