

My Acha
My acha -
He is not my hero.
I've never been able to idolise him as one.
He looks fierce,
But I know what a softie he is.
He is strong,
And only we family have seen him breaking down.
He is stubborn,
But gives it up when I sulk.
He gets angry,
Later says sorry for the hurt caused, if any.

I've never seen a hero or God in my dad.
I see him as a man,
Who expresses everything
like any human should.
He's the first one who made it clear to me
That it's okay if men shed tears too.

I see a teacher,
Who taught me the very basic lessons,
Who also accepted lessons from us
whenever he went wrong.
He's the first one to teach me,
To love someone with all their flaws.

I see a kid,
Who is curious for information,
Who cries for little things,
Who acts funny to make us smile.
He's the first one to show me,
How to remain a kid at all ages.

I see a friend,
To whom I can open up.
Who comes down to my level
so as to understand things better.
He's the one who gave me that tip,
That it's okay to walk away from people
if they let me down frequently.

My dad ain't a hero...
All that I know is,
He might have had the role
of a good/bad guy in others' stories.
Man to a father,
It has faded his errors,
The deeds which are now my lessons.
He can't fight wars for me,
But he will be there as a shield.
He won't argue for me,
Because that's how he raised me,
To stand and speak up for myself.
He see me cry,
he won't be there to wipe my tears,
:Because he taught me to handle it by myself:
But makes sure the cause won't happen again.

I always look up for his qualities
In every person I meet.
Having failed to find it in anyone,
I only know that he's special.
He's my father, who's special.
© the_woman