

I hope You know
Book:Love Bug confessions

The night alone reminds me of us
The starless sky makes my heart ache
Knowing that all I can do is wait for you to care
Hoping that losing me was your biggest fear
If not know that I find you dear
As daring as this seems I hope you know
That love is not for the faint hearted
But for those willing to live
That their all is what they choose to give
I came to you eyes darted
Goal set I came to you right minded
But now that I'm yours i have lost value
Price tag gone no longer valued
I see your eyes wonder
Absent yet here your brain ponders
Am I not enough?
I ask you...
Do I do too much?
I ask you...
Is it the way I look?
I slowly lose hope in me as I look into, your eyes, greeted by a blank stare
The answer is always the same
Scripted and repeated
I quote "You're not good enough for me,neither am I good enough for you"
you say
Eyes wide open
Mind at bay
my heart, breaks as you see me
But what more can I do
Other than to love and to leave you