

Things I Never said !
There are many things deep inside my heart always causing me pain , slowly but effectively like poison spreading throughout my body.

I always try to show that I am very happy and cheerful person , but in reality I am a person who is very sad and lonely from inside.

No matter how much I try , I can't always act ! I want to burst out all my emotions too , I also want to say what I felt like other people.

I doted on you for a whole of 3 years , I always used to think that these all are just dreams ! I never thought that this would ever come true.

You talked with me whenever I was alone , made me happy when I was sad ! The day when you said that I was your best friend, it seemed like a dream.

I was so happy that I couldn't stop laughing ! I thought that my dream was soon going to be true , I was the most happiest person in this whole world !

But in the end it turned out that you did all this , so that you can get close to my bestfriend ! May be I was too foolish to think that you would fall for me.

You don't know how deeply I was broken , but you still only cared about her. On that day , I cried so hard that my eyes didn't stop shedding tears.

But I don't want you to leave me ! Even if it's a lie , please say me that you love me ! I will atleast feel satisfied that you said that you loved me.

I didn't wanted to betray her nor did I wanted to get revenge from you. I just wanted to go far away to a place, where you can never find me.

Finally , when I left you and started a new life , why did you come to my life again ?! Is it a coincidence or is it my destiny to meet you again ?!

No matter what the reason is for meeting you again , but I will not repeat the same mistake in falling in love with you again !
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