

It's feels like I'm too late...
Is it too late to know myself, truly from within?
Is it too late to admit I find myself deeper in sin?
I try to tell you in earnest truth, the things I've now found out
But your face tells me what I need to know, that you're going to shout
You're judging me, refusing me, leaving me to feel ashamed
You're not even trying to understand, this isn't just a game!
I'm fearful love, of walking away from all we've built to date
I'm terrified of living on like this, so lonely and feeling I'm too late
I think that's it, but can't accept, that what I desire shall never be
I'm alone in these newfound fantasies that you'll never give to me
Everytime I see someone, looking happy and so fulfilled
Appearing as though they want for naught, being granted all the thrills
I want to seek out these new experiences, grant my soul a flame
I beg to be given just a taste, and I'll give you the just the same
Please dont force me to face each day, so damn sad about my fate
Being left here with only half a life, no passion shared from my mate
Please love I can't begin again, because feels like I'm too late.

I beg of my husband who refuses exploring , open to how I think
Who believes we're too old for passion now or to develop some new kinks!