

I have given so much to be loved
I have received just a little in my life
When I love with all my heart
My conscience and my reasoning I set aside
My emotions and affection I cannot hide
And now I have to struggle to stay alive
And this is my current plight
I paid for misery and sorrow
The love of a fool could lead him to a quick death
How did I come this far
What happened to the smiles on my face
Where did I go wrong
Who could have done this to me
Who could have initiated this lasting effect
Why am I still depressed
These are rhetorical questions
I do not demand any answers to these questions
But ouch! they are really painful
Is there any antidote I will be grateful
The pain of not being loved is really hurtful
Now I have to accept the blame even when I am innocent
I have to take care of myself even when I am sick
I have to keep silent in the face of false accusations
I have to smile even when I am angered
I have to endure even when I needed to flee
I have to turn deaf ears even when I am provoked
I have to manage not to fall victim to anyone
For love have made me a fool in the eyes of people
My folks have formed an erroneous impression
How could I change their perceptions
My love life is my decision
Who cares about a fool's love, my love