

Train to Pakistan

Staring out of the window of my room,
I saw the the month of March, buds getting ready to bloom,
to the March of 1947, it took me back again,
When the clouds showered blood and the screams went to vien.

The brothers were now aiming swords against,
Who knew at the end, love will lead to pain,
All that was heard was the whistle of the train,
That killed our own blood yet again.

The lovers broke their promises,
To stay by eachother's side,
Mothers had to leave their children,
Alone on a different land but under the same sky.

The fights ended and the lands were covered with blood,
Breaking the unpleasant silence, cries were heard,
The train passed leaving behind enmity and taking away the love,
Hoping for the best, they made the worst.
© Lavenderdawn