

I once was HOLLOW like some of the people who still are:

I learnt
That there is a feeling deep inside that can only be felt by the resident inside.
I learnt
That the feelings of an empty man can't be felt by no body else but him.
I learnt
That they sometimes can't even be traced, until life has been ended by hands. Theirs or that of others.
I learnt
That affection they don't give well because affection they haven't really known.
I learnt
That desparate love they give in attempt to fill the inside that can't be filled by nothing else but peace with God first, with self second, and people last or otherwise HOLLOW they remain.
I learnt
That chasing illusions of happily ever afters with untrustworthy men or deceitful women HOLLOW just as they, becomes their gruesome sport. Until salvation comes.
I learnt
That by others salvation is sometimes rejected, by others questioned and in the process, sometimes life gets lost. Forever into the greedy corridors of death.
I learnt
That screaming for help really does help restore the inside of an empty broken man. Scream for help. Life shall release it's healing rain.
I learnt
You can't fill an empty cup from an empty vessel. Hence I speak of rain "healing rain." Let it rain, let it pour.
I learnt
That healing coexists along with us. Open yourself up to the heavens and receive living waters that fills, or otherwise if you look anywhere else you might never find your fill. Because as it is:
HOLLOW can never save HOLLOW.
I learnt
That He anoints my head with oil, my cup has since overflowed..


Tattooed with invisible inks
I am
© Ludia M