

In the hush of twilight’s gentle embrace,
Where shadows dance and whispers trace,
Invisible threads weave through the air,
Silent signals, a clandestine affair.

Beneath the shroud of a silvered sky,
Clouds gather secrets, drifting high,
Puffs of white like thoughts unspoken,
Holding the weight of promises broken.

In alleyways dim, where the lost convene,
A flicker of hope in the spaces unseen,
Eyes darting cautious, hearts beating fast,
In the labyrinth of night, shadows are cast.

Through vaporous veils, the messages flow,
A network of trust where few dare to go,
Fingers reach out in the fog of despair,
Finding connection in the chill of the air.

The pulse of the city, a heartbeat concealed,
In the dance of the clouds, the truth is revealed,
A nod from a stranger, a glance from afar,
Invisible ties bind, like the light of a star.

Yet in this communion, a price must be paid,
For the bonds that are forged can easily fray,
In the haze of the moment, choices collide,
In dreams wrapped in smoke, nowhere to hide.

So we wander through clouds, in search of a sign,
For the solace of knowing, the comfort of wine,
In the silence of night, we’re never alone,
Invisible Connections, the heart’s hidden tone.

#InvisibleThreads #siscox84 #cloudedthoughts #frpthoughts #breakthechainsofglass
© FRP Thoughts