

A Ghost with Hope
I never thought it would hurt this much, being ghosted.
I wait for a reply that will never come and am painfully aware that you're active online.
I never thought I cared that much but the hollowness inside and constant checking of my phone tells me apparently I do.

I thought I was doing the right thing when I was honest with you.
I knew I was being obedient to my Saviour.
But now I'm left trying to pick up the pieces of my heart that broke when I wasn't looking.

I've been ghosted before and it didn't hurt this much.
I've been ghosted before and I couldn't have cared less.
But this feeling keeps telling me that I've made a huge mistake.

Perhaps it was just a crush or maybe it was something more but to this heart of mine it feels like the end of the world.
Doing the right thing has never felt so wrong but in the coming days I know it will feel so right.
My soul knows the truth that my Father is looking down and seeing my pain that He will one day take away as He has someone set aside for me.
I can only hope He sends them soon for I fear my heart can only take so much.
I do believe He has someone set aside for me but this pain like glass in my veins is making it hard to hope.

© julia_writes