

Broken Branches
A family tree is a gift from Yah, The Most High, where beyond the Universe, He lies

The roots sink to the bottom of Earth's pillars, and the branches stretch high into the skies

From first generation, over time, the branches multiply, sending off dozens of families, nationwide and worldwide

However, some branches never stand the test of time, and so therefore, they shrivel up into dust and are put to rest to die

Time and time again some try, to bind the minds of their family ties
Looking into their eyes, patterns of abuse and trauma reside

It's all in the family, it's hereditary, for them to gather only so often at the cemetery
Reading obituaries of ghosts, now nonexistent like fairies

All of us in sunken trance, our demons are joking and dancing
Even medicine in the food can't save us, trees that can't be saved leave broken branches

© S.A.Y.