

Eternal love Mary and Jesus
In the heart of Mary, pure and true
Lies a love that will forever renew
For her son, Jesus, the Savior divine
Their bond eternal, a love so fine

Through trials and tribulations they did face
Their love never wavered, in any place
Mary's love for Jesus, unwavering and strong
Their eternal bond, a heavenly song

In the garden of Gethsemane, Mary wept
As Jesus suffered, his promise kept
To save mankind from sin and strife
Their eternal love, the source of life

On the cross, Jesus cried out in pain
But Mary's love for him did not wane
She stood by him, till his final breath
Their eternal love, conquering death

Now in heaven, they are together
Their eternal love, shining forever
Mary and Jesus, united in grace
Their eternal love, a sacred embrace.
#christianity #mothermary #Jesus #eternallove #MotherandChild