

The magic of her Dancing shoes.
She moved so dramatically, and quickly,
With her bones sliding over each other so easily,
You would know they had been used to this all along.

Drowning in the softness of the music,
And basking in the aura of the guitar strings,
She found herself in a whole new world.

A world free from the hurt; the pain.
A world which wasn't like the one she knew- one that wasnt profane.

So, she didn't stop.
Allowing her soul to blend with the music,
Deeper and deeper she went,
Miles and miles she travelled,
On and on she journeyed,
Into the new world created by her music.
And, she didnt stop until she could not recognize the former again.

Instantly, it felt like there was no former.
It felt like she what she felt all along, was wrong.
It felt like her senses had made a mockery of her- like a fact she so much hated had now been disproved.

No former world;
Just the same imperfect world made perfect by the musical notes, and her dancing shoes.
Her Dancing shoes did the magic.