

The Doors To Tommarow
The door to tomorrow,
Opens in the shadows of today,
So brush aside the path of sorrow,
And make your way.

Through the mist of doubt,
Where whispers of fear reside,
Find strength within the silence,
And let hope be your guide.

With every step, a heartbeat,
A rhythm fierce and true,
Embrace the light that beckons,
As the dawn breaks anew.

For in the depths of struggle,
A phoenix learns to rise,
Transforming pain to power,
As dreams take to the skies.

So let the past be a lesson,
Not a chain to bind your soul;
With courage as your compass,
You’ll find your way to whole.

Each tear a seed of wisdom,
Each scar a tale of grace,
In the tapestry of life,
You’ll weave your rightful place.

Open wide the door of courage,
Step into the unknown,
For tomorrow holds a promise,
In the seeds of love you’ve sown.

And when the shadows linger,
And darkness seems to play,
Remember: the door to tomorrow
Opens brighter each day.

© jimmytandel