

Fading nightmare
Write a poem about a time that your illusions of someone or something were shattered.

I devoted to you my heart,
You toyed with it, fine,
You had all the right,
You crushed it,
I took it with a pinch of salt,
Although I would suffer,
you could hate it too,
Coz it was your belonging,

But what you did next,
I can't forgive,
Coz I had betrothed it to you,
The heart was not up for a trade, When you tried to pass it to your friend,
Coz she had expressed her interest,
I had made my intentions clear from day one,
You had my love and my dedication, You could play me like a fiddle,
Coz I was head over heels for you, Accept my love or reject it,
Just be honest with me on the issue,

Did you think boys only care for the sex,
Your friend already liked me,
So you could just make me drunk, And send all the people home abruptly,
Disgusting was that you didn't know, Liking doesn't mean that she would also go for it so suddenly,
And you also failed to understand one thing clearly,
Infatuation and lust can't tempt you, When you are in love hopelessly,

But I still owe you a gratitude,
Coz you helped me to move past you, Love certainly makes you blind,
Coz I couldn't see you,
But as soon as the illusion was shattered,
I could see YOU for you,
You made it easy to forget you,
Coz your deed was abhorrent,
I could never forgive you,
You don't deserve my hate,
I just pity you,

Consider myself to be quite lucky,
You facilitated the meeting with your friend,
Who is a nice person genuinely,
Coz she also didn't take advantage,
We just shrugged it off as a prank, Although I hesitated for a month, Thought one day, Heck!!
I may as well give this a shot,
Asked her out on our first date, Concerned about my mental well-being,
She asked, are you sure?
I replied, Yes, if you are still interested,
When we started talking on our date,
Time seemed to have dilated,
She agreed to it too,
It was the best if we have to rank,
What an irony that,
It's you who deserves a thanks..
© paradoxicalpenman