

As I looked upon your face that night I already felt the distance. The days prior taught me more than any words you could ever say.

They say words can cut mightier than a sword yet ones actions can pierce a heart sharper than a surgical knife. Both causing happiness and sorrow.

Tears falling from my face more frequently now. Words from your mouth with you saying things like I dont see a life without you in it, have changed to you don't have time for me any longer.

Scars etched into my soul by Angel's to remind me how far I've come and how far I have yet to go.

It's as if time doesnt exist and I'm stuck in a pattern of you hurting me. You asked for Epic but I couldnt compete with your ghost.

Forever and a day is what I promised you so your life wouldn't see loss again. What I got back was space and excuses when all I wanted was 5 minutes of quality time.

This farce or fairytale we come up with in my minds looking, searching and imagining for love have caused us to fail due to the expectations we have for someone we haven't meant.

Time is the only gift we can never get back which makes it the most valuable. When you take away time your left with nothing but silence.

Communication should've been the answer.