

Frailty thy name is women
Sham ness is her beauty
Sweetness is her grammar
Gentleness is her chemistry
These are to magnetize men
Only to women specifically
And these are gifted by God
Four are requisite for a woman
Who maintain this is a woman?


Thrust her in to hard work
Put her in to ugly work is
Brutal to humanity

Smell the sweat of husband
Cook lovable food for his appetizing
Tell jokes to lighten up him
And be happy with children is
A replica of a good wife.

Like a doll in the show box
Wife is glory to the residence
Family without wife is boring
Enjoy with next to people is a joy


You are given hard works
Put you in to hot sun
Making you ugly look;
And place you in to chief job
Making you unease and anxiety
In the guise of equality.

You besides support this!!

How many soft jobs suit to you?
Hard occupation and head jobs
Not go well with you women!

Oh women be alert!!
Terrible people by the word of equality
Exploit you
And spoil your softness
Softness is your top secret
Four beauties are your reward
Don’t loose it in the name of equality
Oh!! Women be aware!!!!
