

Last Grains Of Sand
Tick tock goes the clock,
Tick tock, it's time to take stock.
Tick tock, it's another day.
Tick tock, I got no work and hence no pay.
Tick tock, we are stuck here in catacombs.
Tick tock, thousands of miles away from our homes.
Tick tock, they tell us the virus kills.
Tick tock, but how do we here, pay our bills?
Tick tock, no one would hear us.
Tick tock, we struggle for our meals thus.
Tick tock, why do we not matter?
Tick tock, are we just some newsroom chatter?
Tick tock, it's not the virus but the apathy that's killing us.
Tick tock, it's like a gas chamber, they are slowly filling us.
Tick tock, the clock's ticking on my dehydrated son.
Tick tock, I want to reach home, whether I walk or I run.
Tick tock, let us know how you feel when you see pictures of our foot with blisters.
Tick tock, let us know how feel when you discuss it over coffee with your brothers and sisters.
Tick tock, again we look at the clock.
Tick tock, not enough food to take stock.
Tick tock, we don't know if there is another day.
Tick tock, this could very well be the last words I say.
Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock, tick tock..

#migrantcrisis #humanity #humans #life #poverty #philosophy #compassion #lockdownthoughts @natehc