

Homie Hopper
You hurt me
And then u play the victim
What a crazy way of livin
Spreading rumors behind my back
While everyone is listening
You keep making up these different stories
Different quotes, different alibis
I see through all your lies
One day you should look in the mirror
To see all the damage you’ve caused
Look inside yourself to see the cost
You want to be the victor
You want to steer the ship
Your a liar and a emotional manipulator
It’s sad to peel back the veil of illusion you have perpetuated
To see your true colors shine through
Makes me want to cry
No more little self victimizing alibis for you
I’m so upset with the way you have treated me, how you have treated the others
Your a false god wrapped in green and leather
Your a false prophet who takes feminist classes to seem intelligent, non-harmful , and woke
To bad you was sticking your dick in someone else’s parts
Being unsafe, causing mass confusion
What a whiny little bitch
Now you play victim after causing the collusion
You were steering the boat with no destination
Your silly little games have caught up with you
Aww, don’t cry now, tall one
Now that you're backed into the corner
No one else to call out to
You got caught in your own experimental gratification
I know you were fascinated
Fuck them and fuck the others
Play a game of tag, “your it”
But with your own dick
You hurt me emotionally in the process, I called you a brother
Now your the bad guy, even though you avoid the accusations
You avoid the accountability that you should be ingraining
You must be crying in your room all alone
Hating yourself for all you have done
You lack foresight and emotional understanding
Why hurt others when your the one who seems to be in pain
I can’t seem to understand where your thoughts were
Was getting your dick wet really all worth it?
Now you fucked everything up, including me
You may not realize it
But I’m hurt by your actions
Your always craving some type of communal reaction
I’m tired of your lies and your deceit
You must be praying at your gods feet
You hurt me and others
Your actions from your past catching up to your present
Same patterns, I thought you would learn to switch to a new direction
But you didn’t, you seek pleasure cause your in pain, cause you want a distraction from this earthly plane
You play god, even if it’s in vain
You think you can manipulate and fuck and lie
That you won’t get caught, even under these blue sky’s
How dumb of you, thinking your above it all
Keep avoiding accountability and it will be your downfall
Loos a couple friends
Keep a couple secrets locked in your head
Whatever keeps you safe
Your better at running then facing the truth
You have hurt so many people, including me
It’s sad to see someone I held so close fall from grace
Your disgusting lies and manipulation have come out to reveal the truth
Your in the wrong
There is no getting away with this
I want you to accept accountability
Cause I’m done with your bullshit
Done with your lies
You need to seek help, before you make this worse for your own self

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