

Stepping Stones to Dreams
Write a poem about the hardships of trying to achieve something.

In the pursuit of dreams, we tread,
On paths unknown, by ambition led.
The journey's fraught with trials untold,
Yet, in our hearts, hope we hold.

Mountains to climb, rivers to cross,
In the quest for victory, we face loss.
The road is long, the journey steep,
Yet, the promise of success, we yearily keep.

Through sleepless nights and weary days,
In the labyrinth of life, we find our ways.
Each setback, a lesson learned,
Each failure, a victory earned.

For in the crucible of struggle, we find,
The strength within, the resilient mind.
The journey may be tough, the road may bend,
But the pursuit of dreams, knows no end.

So, we march on, with determination in our eyes,
With every step, we touch the skies.
For the hardships faced, the struggles seen,
Are but stepping stones, to what we dream.
© Lily